Make phone calls directly from Power BI!

Phone call hyperlinks can be a great addition to your report. They allow users to place phone calls directly from within Power BI.

In Power BI, hyperlinks can be used with buttons, tables as well as our HTML VizCreator custom visuals which will give you a bigger range of options how links could be used in the report. Download our sample report to see these options in action. It contains many different examples and use-cases. Take a look at the code we use and adjust it to your needs.

It is definitely a useful functionality if you require immediate action from the user. Imagine a case where you look at the performance of a specific client and can trigger a phone call with that client with only one click.

The Bridger is designed to work in the Power BI Service in modern browsers. We try our best to give you the full functionality also in the Power BI mobile app for smartphones and tablets but there can be certain restrictions that we can't get around.

How to use it?

We have a free and paid version of the Bridger available for you.

  • Free version

In the free version of the Bridger, you are provided with the URL that should be concatenated with the phone number.

Clicking the link will trigger the forwarding function, however, the free version will redirect you through a website with a delay of a few seconds from the click to the execution of the requested action.

  • Paid version or free trial

In the paid version or during the trial phase of the Bridger, you are provided with the URL and license key that should be added to the link.

Clicking the link will trigger the forwarding function and you will be able to execute the requested action immediately.

How to create the forwarding URL?

You need to construct the URL with 2 components.


This is the main URL of our API.  

  1. Phone number

The full phone number including country code. Make sure not to have any space in the phone number (e.g. +41111111111)

  1. License

Once you get your license key you can add ?key=[License Key] at the end of the URL

In Power BI we recommend loading your license key as an additional data source (for example from a dataflow) and then adding it to your measures. This will make replacing the license key much easier.

URL Examples:

  • Free Version

  • Paid Version or free trial (including license key)


Call Center Bridger Power BI