Accessibility – Dynamic Font Size in Power BI

We have all heard the notion “One size fits all” and might have probably wondered what its implications might be in our lives. At first glance, it seems only natural and perfect to have the same thing work out for everybody. There would be fewer troubles regarding compatibilities, and life would be easier. The thing with the idea is, it is sneaky and misleading. In a practical world, the cons would heavily outweigh the pros. Even from a design perspective, what modern designers and engineers always strive for is to avoid this concept of one size fits all.


When it comes to fonts and their size, we have a whole stock of options. From all the options available, is it worthwhile to select a font size randomly through the whims of the writer? Or does it make more sense to keep in mind the target audience and the potential impact you want to have on them while selecting the font size? After all, the end goal is to make the best impression on the audience and engage them, commanding their undivided attention.


Every potential reader offers the writer various constraints when it comes to conveying an idea through a report. It may be the age, professional background or even the device on which they would read the material. It has never been possible until now to let the end-user adjust the font size within a report in Microsoft Power BI. Rather than choosing a random size that comes to the writers’ mind, it is only logical to let the reader select the font size based on their convenience. The HTML VizCreator Cert & Flex custom visuals overcome exactly this barrier and enable the end-user to adjust the font size according to their needs and avoid any discomfort that they may otherwise face.


Give it a try in the report below. Simply change the font size with the two slicers. Isn’t that convenient?

Would you like to add this feature to your Power BI Reports? Get your free trial for the HTML VizCreator Cert or VizCreator Flex and make sure to check out the Knowledge Base where you can learn how this was set up.